Ray Elizabeth Dominic
Ray Elizabeth Dominic

Ray Elizabeth Dominic

Passionate biology student transfers passion and joy for biology
Starting from:


  • 0.0 /5.0 (00)
  • 75%Profile completion
Languages I know
  • English

A brief introduction

I am recent masters in science graduate and I specialized in neuroscience with a super specialisation in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. My study in neuroscience led me to understand the different ways in which different students learn. It led me to offer biology tutoring that is personalized to each student’s needs regarding the various means in which they consume information and retain it. My tutoring structure will be non – hierarchical as I seek to learn from the students as well. I am very passionate in my study of life and I aim to transfer that joy and passion onto the students. I consider biology to be the language of life and I will be employing mathematics, chemistry and english to weave this story of life. If you are curious as to how life began on earth, I’m someone who can show you how to start thinking about it.


  • Birla institute of technology and science, Pilani
  • Hyderabad, India
  • August 2018 - May 2022
Bachelor of Pharmacy with electives from masters in biology
  • University of Bordeaux
  • Bordeaux, France
  • September 2022 - June 2024
International Masters in Neuroscience with specialization in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience

I can teach



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