Shivani .
Shivani .

Shivani .

Learn with a plant researcher
Starting from:


  • 0.0 /5.0 (00)
  • 85%Profile completion
  • Village Ghel Kalan
Languages I know
  • German
  • English

A brief introduction

I am an educator with over 3 years of teaching biology as a private teacher. When I was studying biology, it was quite difficult for me to understand the phenomena which happen inside of an organism. Then, I started relating it to the real world which helped me a lot understand the concepts and to learn. I have shared all the tricks to my students and guess what! They all passed their tests with flying colors. I have also published 1 research paper and 2 review papers internationally in the field of plant study. 

During my teaching experience, I figured out that each and every student is different and they all need different teaching style. Teaching everyone in a same class with distinct minds is difficult for students to grab the things. I ensure you to provide you the personalized lessons according to your needs and learning style. Biology is indeed a dry subject, but let’s make it fun together where I not only share varieties of techniques to you where you can choose the suitable ones but also some extra materials if needed.

Being a researcher at a young age, I just think, it’s the way of observing the living organisms and try to find the answers of questions emerging in your mind. I want to help you like my teachers should do back in the days.


  • March 2025 - March 2025

I can teach



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